The New Place
Finding an apartment was such an adventure! Miguel was living in a place in downtown Salt Lake and had just called into the Elder's Quorum Presidency when we started looking for an apartment. We loved the location and the ward, and especially because of his calling we felt like we needed to stay there.
After looking and looking and looking, we found the perfect place-- an old house with wood floors that creak and bookcases built into the wall and an old elaborate fire place. It was a dream home from the 1900s and we loved it! But... within the hour from when we called until we went to see it again, someone else had signed the contract, paid the deposit and picked up the keys. Bummer! We were so devastated.
So, the apartment search started over. It is really exciting that we get to start a home together, but looking for one is not so much fun... until you find a place, which eventually we did. It doesn't have creaky wooden floors or a hundred year old fireplace, but it is a beautiful apartment and we are excited to make it our home.Here it is! We were so blessed to find a small apartment in Eaglegate. The average age is our ward is 60 so we are at least 2 standard deviations below the mean and we love it! The apartment is directly east of the Joseph Smith Memorial Building, so this is the view we see driving down to the parking garage:
We could not be happier! What a blessed life.
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